Another week has flown by. Sounds like the family is doing great. I received the package mom as well as one from Brother Minor. Thank you both. Elder Campos was so excited to play with the car. We made a skate park in our apartment to celebrate the occasion. As well there was a bunch of gel that I received as a gift from an elder for Christmas that I decided to use for the first time. Enjoy what it truly means to be Mexican :)
This week, absolutely amazing. We have made some drastic changes here in Amilcingo. We have really tried hard to love the people and demonstrate that love by serving. We have been in our work clothes almost everyday trying to help the people here. We have seen a drastic change in the perspectives of the members relative to their role in the work as well as the manner to work with us. We had a devotional last night by Elder Campos and I where we presented a plan for the members to participate more in the work through the same love and service that we are striving to convey. The members showed great interest to be more involved and we are going to check on their efforts in the following weeks. We have about 4 families that we are preparing to contact and teach through the members this week. We will see how the Lord will work through us this week.
We don't have much time but know that I love you very dearly family. Thank you for your prayers and continued support in the behalf of missionary work. I learn and appreciate more and more everyday the importance of my family and the manner in which the taught me the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is nothing that means more to me. Until next week, take care and know of my prayers for your success and happiness.
Elder Sean Russell