My dear family,
How are you all? I did not have the time as we left for a capacitacion (a training week) in Cuernavaca this past week. Thank you for all of your letters as I am very grateful for all of your support.
Well, I don't have much time but I am going to tell you the facts that I haven't had the time to talk beforehand. The work here is very distinct in Costa Azul. Elder Zepeda told me about his experiences the past few months in which he told me that what I was doing here was I was doing in Amilcingo. I have learned so much from Elder Zepeda in these past few weeks than from any other companion. We are working. We don't have any other worry rather than work. I learn every day from him a great lesson. I continue learning what I means to be a leader in the mission. An adjustment for sure but I feel that the Lord is very aware of where I am and what I am doing.
I want to share a story with you about an experience I had in a small town named Alpuyeca near Cuernavaca. I was working with an Elder Blair during the training week and we went to visit with a young woman named Victoria. She was very frightened that he ex husband was going to come to her house to claim her young son. She was so afraid that she hadn't left the house and wasn't able to go to church. We came to visit with her and we sat in her house as she spoke of her fears that he will come to take her son. We sat and listened and as we were listening I felt a prompting very subtle to share a scripture about the stripling warriors. I thought to myself, ¨really?!?¨ I opened the scriptures and I shared a scripture that was exactly what she needed. As we talked we learned that her real fear was not so much her son rather that she was upset with God believing that He wanted to take away every beautiful in her life. We shared our testimonies and some scriptures and we closed with a kneeling prayer. I do not believe that I have heard a more sincere prayer in my life. It was beautiful. I was deeply moved as I heard the words of a precious child of God plead for comfort and assurity that God truly exists. The spirit filled the room. I will ever be thankful for such an experience.
This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When you have a problem or a doubt, read the book of Mormon. It was written to explain the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Plan of Salvation, and answer the questions of your soul. Read it, meditate what it says, and pray to Heavenly Father to know if it is true. I promise you that He will give you the answers that you need. It is my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Elder Russell