Monday, February 28, 2011

Working hard, learning a ton......week 31

Dear wonderful family,
Wow, enjoy spending time in Hawaii. Sounds like you are having a great time. I only have literally a few moments to write so it comes short and to the point. Working hard, learning a ton, and seeing the Lords hand in ourselves and in the work here. This is the last week of changes and I feel like I am going to leave beautiful Amilcingo the following week. I am going to give it everything I got and all the projects and things that I have wanted to do here I am going to do my best to put into practice. Amilcingo is an extremely sacred place for me. What I have learned in the service of my God here has changed everything for me. When my worry is no longer me but what God wants me to do and be is when He blesses me and this work. If you don't hear from me in the following week is most likely because I have been transferred (and I feel it is going to be in a place very warm so that I can enjoy what it really means to have a Mexican summer :) ) I love you family and take care. Send my best wishes to everyone!

Elder Russell